2021 Rochester Junior Tennis Grand Prix

Since 1990, the Rochester Junior Tennis Grand Prix has been an outlet for our youth tennis community. It was an important event that brought local clubs, parks, schools and universities together for a common goal – providing juniors with opportunities to develop their tournament play for a very low registration fee. This event had a large impact on my development – not only was I participant and Master’s champion as a junior – but I was also an assistant and Tournament Director for many years. I am sure that many juniors who have competed in the Grand Prix throughout the years have felt the same way. My team and I have put together a great line-up of tournaments throughout the Greater Rochester Area, making it accessible to many families and players. Keep reading below on the format, schedule, and how you can register for the upcoming summer series.
Grand Prix Tournament Details
This is our second summer using Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) to place players into appropriate playing divisions. The two main divisions will be determined by age which will further be segmented by UTR level. With the implementation of UTR by local high schools, we felt it was necessary to also use this system to help those who currently compete on their school teams, as well as those hoping to participate in future seasons. Players will be grouped by the Tournament Director based on their level once registered. There will still be a relative Entry, Intermediate, and Advanced grouping for both age divisions. For the 10-12 division, the kids will start off in the Green Ball Entry Group if they have little or no experience competing. They will have the chance to move up to the Yellow Ball group within the same age division as their UTR score increases. We have also decided to combine boys and girls through all divisions. Because UTR is level-based, this provides a broader pool of participants giving them opportunities to compete against a variety of different players while still keeping each match appropriate and competitive. Each division will follow a similar format, starting with a Round Robin followed by one or two playoff rounds, depending on the age division. Players collect points for participating as well as advancing within tournaments. Please see breakdown below - participants must fit at least TWO of the bullet points within their respective grouping.
Please note, that since these are now UTR events, players must create a profile on UTR if they don't already have one. All registrations and payments will be handled through that site. Entries close on the Tuesday the week of each tournament. Once we receive notification of registration, we will then place participants in their respective levels. Although participants will only register for one level per tournament, there is an opportunity to move up based on performance and increase in level throughout the series. The entry fee per event is $15 for each participant. Spots are limited and each event (and division) will be a first come, first serve basis. You must be available for all rounds in order to compete.
Please note, that since these are now UTR events, players must create a profile on UTR if they don't already have one. All registrations and payments will be handled through that site. Entries close on the Tuesday the week of each tournament. Once we receive notification of registration, we will then place participants in their respective levels. Although participants will only register for one level per tournament, there is an opportunity to move up based on performance and increase in level throughout the series. The entry fee per event is $15 for each participant. Spots are limited and each event (and division) will be a first come, first serve basis. You must be available for all rounds in order to compete.
10-12 years of age
13-17 years of age
10-12 years of age
13-17 years of age
Junior Varsity (JV)
FORMAT: Each grouping will have a preliminary Round Robin (times listed above). The number of games played will be determined by the number of participants in each tournament. The top game winners will move on to the Playoff Rounds. For the 10-12 Intermediate, there will be ONE Final Playoff Round (top 2 players) immediately following the Round Robin. For the 13-17 Intermediate & Advanced groups, there will be a Semifinal and Final Playoff Round (both played on Sunday). There will not be Playoff rounds for either of the Entry level divisions this year. Instead, the focus will be to have the kids play as many round robin matches as we can fit within the two hour period. This is to maximize their play time while giving them a chance to improve their UTR. The purpose is for them to continually move up in level based on their UTR which becomes more accurate the more they play. The weekend schedule is also linked as a PDF towards the bottom of this page. Please note, Saturday & Sunday start times will vary slightly depending on the site.
Points System
All players receive points for each tournament they enter plus the opportunity to earn additional points based on their results. Point breakdown is as follows:
The Masters Tournament
The top eight point-winners from the Intermediate and above divisions only will be invited to the Masters Playoff Showdown at the end of the summer. The Masters will showcase these top players in a compass draw to determine the overall champion of the Rochester Junior Tennis Grand Prix with a consolation match immediately following their first round.
Current Standings
Updated Leaderboards will be displayed here on the Monday after each tournament.
Below are the final standings for the 2019 Rochester Junior Grand Prix.
Below are the final standings for the 2019 Rochester Junior Grand Prix.
2023 Grand Prix Schedule and Sites
Click on the locations below for directions.
Click on the locations below for directions.
TBA Schedules
**Please note, registration closes on TUESDAY 5PM the week of each tournament**
**The Masters Schedule will be released the week before the tournament**
Sponsors, Donors & Supporters
We are so grateful to all the generous supporters featured below who have helped bring the Rochester Junior Tennis Grand Prix back to our tennis community! If you are interested in contributing your time or resources to help our cause, click here to contact Jason Speirs.
"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life." -Arthur Ashe