Tennis Saves Presents... Junior Team Tennis (JTT)
As our Grand Prix events continue to grow, we will also continue to offer more match-play opportunities for our young community at a low price. With the amazing results from the 2019 Grand Prix, we are excited to introduce a new event this summer - Junior Team Tennis, also known as JTT. The JTT will be split into two age groups: Juniors 11-14 and 15-18. Each team will consist of 3 or 4 players - 1 singles player, and 1 doubles team per match. Teams can be same gender, or coed. Players are welcome to form their own teams or we can help them form teams. Events will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 pm. The JTT will be priced at $40 per person for the summer season. Specific dates and locations are listed below.
Please also note this event is tailored to Entry and/or Intermediate players. If you have competed in a Level 4 USTA tournament, this will not be appropriate for you.
Please also note this event is tailored to Entry and/or Intermediate players. If you have competed in a Level 4 USTA tournament, this will not be appropriate for you.
Point System & Leaderboard Standings
Winners of each match will earn 1 point for their team, whether singles or doubles.
The updated Leaderboard will be displayed here at the conclusion of each event.
The updated Leaderboard will be displayed here at the conclusion of each event.
Final Playoffs
The top 4 teams with the highest number of points will be invited to the Final JTT Playoffs on Wednesday, August 19th at Midtown. There will be a semifinal and final playoff round the same evening.
Tentative 2020 Schedule
June 17: Victor High School
June 24: Irondequoit High School
July 8: Henrietta Roth Junior High School
July 15: Gates Chili High School
July 22: Webster Schroeder High School
July 29: Pittsford Mendon High School
Aug 5: Greece Athena High School
Aug 12: Tennis Club of Rochester
Aug 19: Final Playoffs at Midtown Athletic Club
June 24: Irondequoit High School
July 8: Henrietta Roth Junior High School
July 15: Gates Chili High School
July 22: Webster Schroeder High School
July 29: Pittsford Mendon High School
Aug 5: Greece Athena High School
Aug 12: Tennis Club of Rochester
Aug 19: Final Playoffs at Midtown Athletic Club
Click here to register for this summer's Junior Team Tennis